My Spiritual Path and the continued journey of awakening

Hi, I’m Kelsey. A middle aged, single mother of two, in a full blown spiritual awakening. It all sort of snuck up on me. Too be honest. So much so that the universe really had to knock me upside the head multiple times before one day it finally clicked for me. I assume this is how it is for most people I’m not really sure. After my divorce I was going through my dark night of the soul. I had been in a toxic codependent relationship with my sons father for 13 years. Until one day I had heard “get out of MY house and find a ride because those are MY cars” too many times and I punched him square in the face. I was 31 years old, two young kids and found myself in handcuffs being hauled to jail for assault. This was about 3 years ago. The last time I had seen the back of police car before that was 18 years old for a dime size amount of marijuana!

I found myself fucked. A true slap from the Divine. On the neighbors couch with a restraining order on my husband and my home. The shame was overwhelming and engulfed me everyday like a dark heavy wet blanket. I dragged myself to get up out of bed everyday too only beat myself down emotionally until my head hit the pillow that night. ” How did I get here” How did I let this happen” Why didn’t you have the courage to leave years ago?” Your an idiot” Your a bad mother” Your spineless” You deserve this” day after day after day.

Its easy to smile about it, now. I forgive him and most importantly myself.

My spiritual awakening started, thanks too all that. My girlfriend suggested a counselor she loved that helped her marriage, and at the time I was desperate to save my family from splitting up. You see, my ex, wanted to “date after the divorce.” and i said No, if you want to try and save the marriage and be with me then, no, there is no dating after divorce”. So we tried counseling to navigate the situation. He stuck to his guns and followed through with the divorce and I stuck to mine and told him to fuck off when he tried to, still, date me, after the divorce. Hes 20 years my senior and did it all for financial reasons because he only had a short window after marriage to get everything and leave me with nothing so. Ya. but i wont get into all of that.

Anyway back to Roxanne. The marriage counselor. She wasn’t able to save my marriage, thank god! but now I know she was never meant too. We connected instantly and I saw her personally after the divorce. She peaked my interest when she discussed using astrology and our natal charts in counseling. I loved seeing her and diving deeper into my natal chart and what it all entails. It was all so fascinatingly accurate and yet the spiritual universe side of it mysterious to me. She introduced me to her best friend, an astrologer and I also started seeing her as well. I read Eckhart Tolle and woke the fuck up.

My Aquarius symbol was my first tattoo at 17. I tried to do spells and seances as a kid and always felt like I wanted too and could connect with my grandmother who I never met because she died when I was two. Astrology and Mythology was always a favorite subject of mine and I just think I’ve been interested and drawn to there being “something more” without even really knowing what i was being drawn too. I had an unexplained seizure at 13 that now, I feel is in direct correlation to the powers of the subconscious I am able to access today. I went through some crazy testing and yet, nothing. I’ll never forget being MADE to stay up all night with my best friend at 13 just so I would sleep through a brain wave activity test the next morning at the hospital. We had so much fun that night but barley made it through. bless her heart. I still talk to her today. Scans and tests and blood draws and all this and my parents were frustrated and relieved that it was unfound. However…. Going through puberty at that moment, I believe it was my first level of ascension, a graduation of my brain being able to access at a higher level and open up and receive downloads from ‘source” like a strike of preparation that I obviously had no clue I would be called to tap into at 34.

But here I am. Going deeper into places of my subconscious that I would have never thought I’d be doing in meditation, having direct contact with my spirit guides, guardian angels and archangels. Tarot card reader. Emphathic, Clairaudient Clairvoyant Clairsentience. Working with the human energy field and chakras, colors and crystals as a healer and on a twin flame journey with my divine counter part. In alignment. In flow. Staying in high vibration living in the present moment the best I can releasing expectations and giving it up to the universe. And the happiest I’ve been since I can remember. Everyone has the power inside them too do so. I’m here to share my journey in hopes it resonates with people and or sparks their interest to look inside and create stillness to start to listen to their soul. because it speaks to you. all the time. you just have to listen.

Knock Knock

Awaking from a dream around 2am this morning I had a visit from two dead loved ones, my grandmother on my mother’s side, whom I never knew, and my “aunt” Maureen who was my grandmother’s, brothers, second wife. Her best friend. Before I woke up, I remembered the last part of my dream. Myself being…

Ms. Earie

Slipping into meditation, I was taken to a meeting with an ancestor. I found myself standing by a shallow river on a sunny day. Across the river, a path leading through the forested grove adorning the banks. I could hear the river babbling along peacefully over the smooth round stones that popped up here and…


Without meaning to, I was brought into meditation tonight. I found myself running as hard as I could up the street in darkness, to my Twin Flames house. Steady, determined….my feet hitting the pavement in the moonlight, like a mantra in my soul. …..Fuck Ing PissEd….Fuck Ing PissEd…Fuck Ing PissEd… the bottoms of my shoes…

Astral Travel

The Out Of Body Experience. Your soul or consciousness separating from your physical and experiencing this and other dimensions from outside your anatomic bodily form. It can be intentional. And it can be Unintentional. The first time I experienced it was when I had my seizure as a young teen. Viewing myself and scenes happening…


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